Digital ambassadors for sustainability
Tikkun Olam NOW
An educational platform aimed at developing global activism and digital diplomacy among schoolchildren, students, and professional communities.
We teach digital diplomacy to high school and university students from different countries, and create interactions, aimed at raising social awareness on global social problems.
Theory of change

We see that in today's world, most societies focus on local problems and solve them at the local level (organization, city, country), and almost never use a global mindset to solve these problems. Moreover, countries and communities solve their problems through conflicts with others, using aggression and competition. It seems to us that in today's world a number of problems (social, environmental, political) are critical, and individual thinking does not solve anything, because global problems affect everyone, and communities need to be more united.

Our goal

The project aimed to educate the younger generation and change the paradigm of social thinking to an understanding of global responsibility. This can change hostility and disunity to solidarity, common effort, and responsibility for world sustainability.

Our mission

Is to implement an educational platform that can create a community of young leaders among the younger generation. Those students will become ambassadors, who can consciously relate to global challenges, attract public attention and change people's thinking and attitude on these topics.

Interdisciplinary approach:
the program includes different subjects such as digital and media literacy, diplomacy, social management, global studies, and arts
training is relied on the methodology of Problem-based learning, in which, in the process of working on projects, students and mentors together launch social campaigns to call social attention to various problems, and change social consciousness. In this approach, the program itself already impacts the areas that students choose to cover. Studio roadmap is: developing a digital studio route, choosing a challenge, research, attracting stakeholders, message design, model design, testing, development, launch, analysis
PBL method:
- studies about values, responsibility, and activism, which also goes on personal levels, experiences and emotions. This kind of education starts with personal transformation and awareness of students, and after that, they become influencers such as digital ambassadors. So the program also includes the revision of personal values and opinions throughout group discussions.
Social-emotional learning (SEL)
The program uses art methods as a language to attract public awareness and express students' attitudes to various social challenges. We engage artists to create social campaigns for sustainability and address social challenges together with students.
Art activism
program creates interaction and partnership between students from different countries and places to implement a worldwide network of ambassadors, which can handle global challenges and impact those.
Global Networking:
Digital Ambassadors of Tikkun Olam:
Program aims to train and empower young leaders — Tikkun Olam ambassadors, who can strive for world sustainability with a new mindset and set an example of global responsibility and activism.
Digital Diplomacy study groups:
the project creates a layer of social and digital leadership among two generations: high school and university students. Students take the role of educational leaders and facilitators, and together with schoolchildren go through learning processes.
Study program components
These components unite around the main pedagogical and social project`s value-enhancing awareness, engagement, and agency to support sustainability and solve social and global challenges.
Our history and what we are doing now
The idea of the project appeared in Israel in 2021 as an attempt to work on the topic of social engagement in local schools and then resumed in March 2022 after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. The team of educators working on the project are Jewish leaders from Ukraine and Russia and residents of Israel, specialists in the field of education, art, and media.
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Development plan
Studying format
A group of partner school students of 15-25 people is organized to work in a digital diplomacy studio. The studio studies theories and methods of influence to implement digital projects aimed at solving various social local and global challenges.
Project development plan
During the 2021-2022 academic year, an experimental project is being conducted at the Shimon Peres High School for High-Tech and the Arts in Tel Aviv, where we test methods, conduct research and form a program.
Experimental phase
In 2022-2023 we plan to continue with the experimental phase, we aim to launch the program in 2 schools in Israel and find partners from 3 other countries (approximately Ukraine, Germany, and one more). At this stage, we will begin to build an international student network and continue researching and developing an effective educational model.
Full-scale launch
In 2023-2024, it is planned to move from the experimental phase to a full-scale launch with 10 groups of students in 3-5 countries simultaneously and involving partners.
We invite educational organizations and professionals to become our partners
who are we looking for:

Representatives of schools or other educational institutions (Israel&worldwide) who are interested in taking part in the project with your students

Educational professionals who are engaged in similar projects or feel interested in our idea

Academic institutions, universities, and colleges that are ready to take on the academic support of such programs

Why you should join the experimental phase of the project now:
  • Our pilot partners have the opportunity to influence and participate in the design and improvement of the program
  • We are looking for strategic partners who share the vision and values of the project. The project provides an opportunity to become stakeholders for specialists who are close to our vision.
  • Your students will participate in the development and formation of a global project, and become one of the first Ambassadors of Tikkun Olam
Our Partners
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to contact us.
Contact Us
Phone: +972 52 655 3848
NOW - Digital Diplomacy
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